However, many learner drivers attempt their practical driving test before they are actually ready and this leads to disappointment, additional costs and quite often a long delay actually getting on the road with their full driving licence.
Did you know?
In December 2024, 51 out of every 100 tests taken in Great Britain resulted in a FAIL!
There are many reasons why a candidate may be unsuccessful and this isn't always because they haven't used an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI), such as Routine Driving School offers, as part of their journey learning to drive. Quite often, a supervising driver will have a vast amount of experience on the road and will pass over many of the necessary skills needed and great advice to the learner. However, it is also the case that, a number of 'bad' habits can be allowed to creep in to your driving, where the accompanying driver doesn't recognise or believe a fault exists, which would get identified by an ADI or as is seemingly happening, too late by the examiner!
Before you go ahead with your practical driving test, we recommend that you run through the checklist below and make sure you are fully ready!
Check you're Ready to Pass
1. You are not being prompted by your accompanying driver!
If your supervising driver is having to regularly point out hazards or ask you to check your speed, you may not be ready!
2. You do not make serious or dangerous errors when you're driving!
If your accompanying driver has to perhaps grab the wheel to avoid a collision or shout for you to STOP you may not have the correct level of awareness yet!
3. You can control any nerves you have when driving!
If you regularly feel anxious or overwhelmed in certain driving situations and cannot always manage the car controls when this happens, you may need additional practise and help!
4. You fully understand the requirements of a practical driving test and what your examiner will be looking for!
If your trainer obtained their driving licence more than five years ago, they may not be aware of all the changes that have occurred since they took their test...lots of things are different now!
5. An Approved Driving Instructor agrees you're ready!
ADI's are fully qualified experts, who teach pupils to drive, day in, day out! Listen to their advice...they know what is required to pass the driving test! If you haven't already, consider taking a mock test with an ADI! They will be able to provide you with a comprehensive appraisal of your driving skills and advise you whether you are ready to take your test! Listen to your ADI, their advice could save you time, stress and money!
Here at Routine Driving School, we are ready and eager to help you get prepared for your driving test and can offer an assessment session for learners looking to understand whether they are test ready or not! Our comprehensive, 2-hour 'Mock Test' session includes:
- Licence Check
- Sight Test
- Tell Me Question
- 40 Minute Drive (including reversing manoeuvre, emergency stop, independent drive and show me question)
- Mock Test Result
- Feedback including identification, analysis and remedial recommendations for any faults.
- Advice and guidance for any further training or practise requirements.
The cost for the 'Mock Test' package is £75. Please call or text 'MOCKTEST' to book an appointment on 07553861929. We recommend you book your appointment at least 4 weeks prior to your driving test date.